Make the Connections and the Business Will Come


Seating is limited.  Must sign up at our MeetUp Page to make sure you have a seat.

When: Every Thursday morning from 7:00-8:30 AM. 

Where: Canyon Cafe
350 Embassy Row
Atlanta, GA 30328
(off of Peachtree Dunwoody two blocks  north of Abernathy)
(click here for map)

Who: Anyone who knows that they need to be more connected but don't know where to start.

Cost: $5 cover charge

Be Prepared: Bring your marketing material and be ready to tell us about your business with a 60 second infomercial.

Bring your calendar so you can make two one-to-one meetings before you leave the meeting.

Who to Call: Call Tim Maitski with any questions at


Our Members

Founding Member
Rory Evans
Imagine That Done

Founding Member
Larry Feldman
Feldman Law Offices, LLC
Real Estate Attorney

Founding Member
Tim Maitski
Atlanta Communities

Founding Member
Jeff Glick
Brayden Capital Home Loans



What Would 100 New Business Relationships Mean to Your Business?


Meet and Go Deep. 

One-to-one meetings that last about 60 minutes are the meetings that create the long lasting business relationships.

Atlanta Business Connectors provides you the opportunity to set up those meetings.

Attend the weekly meeting where we have 30-50 attendees.   In 60 seconds, tell us about yourself.  Then sit back and listen to the others.  Decide which two people you want to meet with over the next week.

Bring your calendar so that before you leave the meeting, you'll have set up at least two one-to-one meeting for the upcoming week.

Do this every week over the next year and you'll have 100 new business relationships.

Stay connected through Facebook and LinkedIn and keep coming back to the meetings to keep building more business relationships.

Our MeetUp page keeps track of all the meetings and who attended.  It makes for a nice online Rolodex.


Come see for yourself how a good networking group operates.

Sign up to attend at our MeetUp page

Everyone is Welcome

No big upfront fees.  Just a $5 cover charge.  If you'd like to be the 15 minute feature presenter, just reserve that spot for only $25.

No mandatory meetings.  Not everyone can make every meeting.  No big deal.  But remember, the more you show up, the more visible you are and the more you get to be at the top of everyone's mind.

No Obligation to Refer.  Coming to the meetings doesn't entitle you to referrals.  You have to earn them.  It's up to you to educate and build trust with others.  It's up to you to set up the one-to-ones. 

No Locking Out Others in the Same Business.  Competition is good.  If I'm a Realtor and there's another Realtor coming and getting all of the business, what's that telling me?  It's telling me that I have to pick up my game.  I have to present a more compelling message.  I have to make sure I come to more meetings.  I have to prepare and give a more compelling feature presentation.  I have to present myself better at one-to-one meetings. 

RSVP for the next meeting at our MeetUp page


Two Books Every Connector Should Read


Why aren't you getting more referrals?


Do you provide an excellent product and deliver outstanding service?

Do your customers love you?

If the answer is yes,  why aren't you getting more referrals?


Maybe it's because:


1. You think of asking for referrals only as an afterthought. You keep missing those referral moments.




2.  You're asking people who really don't care how your business grows.


We've all been there. You just complete a great job for a client and as you are saying good bye you might remember to say, "Oh, by the way, Do you know anyone who could use my services?"  You'll probably get a polite "I can't think of any now but I'll sure send them your way if I do."  Then you feel relieved, "Well, at least I tried,  what more could I do?" Your happy client goes home and you slowly fade out of their memory.


Your past clients may become great referral sources but the problem is that they really don't have much incentive to constantly try to send business your way.  You have to cultivate referrals from other like minded business people who know that the more they give the more they will receive.



"...Get a Never Ending Stream of New Clients Using a Proven Business Networking System. This is a fine tuned system that works."


No one is going to refer business to you until they know you, trust you, think of you often and see some benefit in it for themselves.


Atlanta Business Connectors  ...

  • Gives you weekly exposure to a group of like minded business people.

  • Gives you opportunities to really get to know other business people by setting up one-to-one meetings later in the week.

  • Gives you opportunities to learn about other businesses by watching the 15 minute feature presentation .



"...There are Four Things that are needed for a Successful Business Networking Group, (1) Consistency, (2) Productive and Efficient meetings, (3) A Structure that Promotes the Development of long term relationships and (4)  Like minded people with similar goals..."


"What would 100 one-to-one meetings over the next year do for your Business? All you do is go to one high energy meeting per week. Then simply set up two one-to-one meetings with a couple members who you think would be of value knowing.  Have coffee or lunch or just meet at your office.  Find out how you can solve problems together.


Just Remember, Givers Gain!


I get excited about Atlanta Business Connectors because



It's not only who you know, it's all the people that the people who know you know..  Many times a member of the group will know someone who knows someone else who can help another member.  How many people are on your Christmas list?  50? 100?  Do the math.  Meet with 100 people  in the year and each has influence over just 50 other people, that's 5000 potential clients.   




"Imagine What It Would Mean to Your Business If You Never Had to  Advertise or Cold Call But Still Received Hundreds of High-Quality Referrals"


Every week you educate the entire group about who you are looking to do business with. Instead of spending hours and hours on the phone, you spend a focused 2 hour period that will give you much better exposure. 


That's what the ABC program is about.  A little effort giving you outstanding results.

Businesses that might find value in the meetings

Business to Business Real Estate Services Health Services Event Services
Banker/commercial loans
Business Consultant
Copier Sales
Business coach
Graphics Designer
Internet marketing
Marketing consultant
Mailing services

Credit Card Processing

Office furniture
Printed advertising
Public relations
Sales trainer
Telephone equipment
Staffing services
Web designer
Sign company
Benefits consultant

Health insurance

Interior design
Cleaning service
Landscape architect
HVAC service
Commercial real estate
Security systems
Pool services
Home Inspector
Pest control
Kitchen designer
Property management
Relocation services
Carpet cleaner

Message therapist
Hair removal
Home health care
Physical therapist
Personal trainer
Nutritional products
Personal chef

Event planner
Wedding planner
Gift baskets
Hair stylist
Trade shows
Limo service
Travel service


When: Every Thursday morning from 7:00-8:30 AM.

Where:   Canyon Cafe
               350 Embassy Row
                Atlanta, GA 30328
                (off Peachtree Dunwoody two blocks north of Abernathy) 
                (Sometimes they block the first entrance to Embassy Row at Peachtree Dunwoody.  If so, continue north about a block and make a left into the next entrance where the parking deck is. Go past the parking deck and look for the first one story building on the right.  Turn right to go to the parking lot in back on the building)

Who: Anyone who wants to get more connected.

Who to Call: Call Tim Maitski at 404-216-0472 with any questions.


RSVP for the next meeting at our MeetUp page